From pdxgate!!reed!henson!!!caen!uunet!mcsun!sun4nl!bsoatr!bskewe!kewe Tue Mar 2 15:21:37 PST 1993 In article writes: > > I'm looking for an algorithm which determines if a point > falls within an arbitrary (convex or concave) polygon. > > Thanks, > > Douglas Gennetten > Hewlett-Packard > > > BOOLEAN PointInsideOfPolygon ( POLYGOON *P, VECTOR2D *p ) { VECTOR2D o, v, w; INDEX ncross, N, n; ncros = 0; N = PolygonLength(P); /* Number of vertices */ GivePolygonVertex ( P, N, &o ); for ( n=1; n<=N; n++ ) { GivePolygonVertex ( P, n, &v ); if ( o.x >= p->x && v.x < p->x || o.x < p->x && v.x >= p->x ) { w.x = p->x; LinearInterpolation ( &o, &v, &w ); if ( w.x == p->x && w.y == p->y ) return(TRUE); else if ( w.y > p->y ) ncross++; } CopyVector2d ( &v, &o ); } if ( ncross%2 == 0 ) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); } Cornelis Wessels Krommenoord 14 3079 ZT ROTTERDAM The Netherlands +31 - 10 - 4826394