Z80 Flags

Z80 Status Indicator Flags

The Flag registers, F and F', supply information to the user about the status of the Z80 CPU at any particular time. The bit positions and definitions for each flag are listed in the tables below.


SymbolField Name
CCarry Flag
P/VParity/Overflow Flag
yunused (3rd bit of last 8-bit instruction that altered flags)
HHalf Carry Flag
xunused (5th bit of last 8-bit instruction that altered flags)
ZZero Flag
SSign Flag

Each of these two Flag registers contains 6 bits of status information that are set or cleared by CPU operations; bits 3 and 5 are not used. Four of these bits (C, P/V, Z, and S) can be tested for use with conditional JUMP, CALL, or RETURN instructions. The H and N flags cannot be tested; these two flags are used for BCD arithmetic.

Carry Flag

The Carry Flag (C) is set or cleared depending on the operation being performed. For ADD instructions that generate a Carry, and for SUB instructions that generate a Borrow, the Carry Flag is set. The Carry Flag is reset by an ADD instruction that does not generate a Carry, and by a SUB instruction that does not generate a Borrow. This saved Carry facilitates software routines for extended precision arithmetic. Additionally, the DAA instruction sets the Carry Flag if the conditions for making the decimal adjustment are met.

For the RLA, RRA, RLS, and RRS instructions, the Carry bit is used as a link between the least-significant byte (LSB) and the most-significant byte (MSB) for any register or memory location. During the RLCA, RLC, and SLA instructions, the Carry flag contains the final value shifted out of bit 7 of any register or memory location. During the RRCA, RRC, SRA, and SRL instructions, the Carry flag contains the final value shifted out of bit 0 of any register or memory location.

For the logical instructions AND, OR, and XOR, the Carry flag is reset.

The Carry flag can also be set by the Set Carry Flag (SCF) instruction and complemented by the Compliment Carry Flag (CCF) instruction.

Add/Subtract Flag

The Add/Subtract Flag (N) is used by the Decimal Adjust Accumulator instruction (DAA) to distinguish between the ADD and SUB instructions. For ADD instructions, N is cleared to 0. For SUB instructions, N is set to 1.

Decimal Adjust Accumulator Flag

The Decimal Adjust Accumulator (DAA) instruction uses this flag to distinguish between ADD and SUBTRACT instructions. For all ADD instructions, N sets to 0. For all SUBTRACT instructions, N sets to 1.

Parity/Overflow Flag

The Parity/Overflow (P/V) Flag is set to a specific state depending on the operation being performed. For arithmetic operations, this flag indicates an overflow condition when the result in the Accumulator is greater than the maximum possible number (+127) or is less than the minimum possible number (–128). This overflow condition is determined by examining the sign bits of the operands.

For addition, operands with different signs never cause overflow. When adding operands with similar signs and the result contains a different sign, the Overflow Flag is set, as shown in the following example.

+120  =  0111 1000  ADDEND
+105  =  0110 1001  AUGEND
+225  =  1110 0001  (-95)    SUM

The two numbers added together result in a number that exceeds +127 and the two positive operands result in a negative number (–95), which is incorrect. The Overflow Flag is therefore set.

For subtraction, overflow can occur for operands of unalike signs. Operands of alike signs never cause overflow, as shown in the following example.

      +127  0111 1111   MINUEND
 (-)   -64  1100 0000   SUBTRAHEND
      +191  1011 1111   DIFFERENCE

The minuend sign has changed from a positive to a negative, resulting in an incorrect difference; the Overflow Flag is set.

Another method for identifying an overflow is to observe the Carry to and out of the sign bit. If there is a Carry in and no Carry out, or if there is no Carry in and a Carry out, then an Overflow has occurred.

This flag is also used with logical operations and rotate instructions to indicate the resulting parity is even. The number of 1 bits in a byte are counted. If the total is Odd, ODD parity is flagged (i.e., P = 0). If the total is even, even parity is flagged (i.e., P = 1).

During the CPI, CPIR, CPD, and CPDR search instructions and the LDI, LDIR, LDD, and LDDR block transfer instructions, the P/V Flag monitors the state of the Byte Count (BC) Register. When decrementing, if the byte counter decrements to 0, the flag is cleared to 0; otherwise the flag is set to 1.

During the LD A, I and LD A, R instructions, the P/V Flag is set with the value of the interrupt enable flip-flop (IFF2) for storage or testing.

When inputting a byte from an I/O device with an IN r, (C) instruction, the P/V Flag is adjusted to indicate data parity.

Half Carry Flag

The Half Carry Flag (H) is set (1) or cleared (0) depending on the Carry and Borrow status between bits 3 and 4 of an 8-bit arithmetic operation. This flag is used by the Decimal Adjust Accumulator (DAA) instruction to correct the result of a packed BCD add or subtract operation. The H Flag is set (1) or cleared (0) as shown in the table below.

H FlagAddSubtract
1A Carry occurs from bit 3 to bit 4A Borrow from bit 4 occurs
0No Carry occurs from bit 3 to bit 4No Borrow from bit 4 occurs

Zero Flag

The Zero Flag (Z) is set (1) or cleared (0) if the result generated by the execution of certain instructions is 0.

For 8-bit arithmetic and logical operations, the Z flag is set to a 1 if the resulting byte in the Accumulator is 0. If the byte is not 0, the Z flag is reset to 0.

For Compare (search) instructions, the Z flag is set to 1 if the value in the Accumulator is equal to the value in the memory location indicated by the value of the register pair HL.

When testing a bit in a register or memory location, the Z flag contains the complemented state of the indicated bit

When inputting or outputting a byte between a memory location and an INI, IND, OUTI, or OUTD I/O device, if the result of decrementing Register B is 0, then the Z flag is 1; otherwise, the Z flag is 0. Additionally, for byte inputs from I/O devices using IN r, (C), the Z flag is set to indicate a 0-byte input.

Sign Flag

The Sign Flag (S) stores the state of the most-significant bit of the Accumulator (bit 7). When the Z80 CPU performs arithmetic operations on signed numbers, the binary twoscomplement notation is used to represent and process numeric information. A positive number is identified by a 0 in Bit 7. A negative number is identified by a 1. The binary equivalent of the magnitude of a positive number is stored in bits 0 to 6 for a total range of 0 to 127. A negative number is represented by the twos complement of the equivalent positive number. The total range for negative numbers is -1 to -128.