Listing 2. Map File Structures #define NUMPLANES 3 #define ALLOCATEDLEVELNAMELENGTH 24 #define WALL_PLANE 0 #define SPRITE_PLANE 1 #define INFO_PLANE 2 // Version structure. typedef struct { char Signature[4]; unsigned long Version; } VERSION, *PVERSION; // Header structure. There are 100 of these in each file. typedef struct { unsigned long Used; unsigned long CRC; unsigned long RLEWtag; unsigned long MapSpecials; unsigned long Planestart[ NUMPLANES ]; unsigned long Planelength[ NUMPLANES ]; char Name[ ALLOCATEDLEVELNAMELENGTH ]; } RTLMAP, *PRTLMAP; Note: These structure examples are given in the Official ROTT Specifications file, ROTSP1, by Apogee Software.