Bibliography of Published Sources Referenced in HelpPC

	The following list contains information on reference materials
	used to verify and supply the information found in HelpPC. They
	are listed chronologically in the order I used them in HelpPC.

	 1. Powell, David.  "IBM PC-DOS Programmer's Quick Reference
	    Summary".  (Unpublished paper.)

	 2. Powell, David.  "IBM BIOS Programmer's Quick Reference
	    Summary".  (Unpublished paper.)
	 3. Norton, Peter.  "Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC".
	    Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1985.

	 4. Duncan, Ray.  "Advanced MS-DOS".
	    Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1986.

	 5. IBM Corporation.  "Disk Operating System Version 3.10: Technical
	    Reference". Boca Raton, Florida: International Business Machines
	    Corporation, 1986.

	 6. Davies, Russ.  "COMPUTE!'s Mapping the IBM PC and PCjr".
	    Greensboro, North Carolina: COMPUTE! Publications, Inc., 1986.

	 7. Brenner, Robert C.	"IBM PC Troubleshooting & Repair Guide".
	     Indianapolis, Indiana: Howard W Sams & Company, 1985.

	 8. Borland International, Inc.  "Turbo C Reference Guide".  Scotts
	    Valley, California: Borland International, Inc., 1987.

	 9. Scanlon, Leo J.  "8086/88 Assembly Language Programming".
	    Bowie, Maryland: Robert J. Brady Co., 1984.

	10. IBM Corporation. "Technical Reference: PC/XT".  Boca Raton,
	    Florida: International Business Machines Corporation, 1983.

	11. Wilton, Richard.  "Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video
	    Systems".  Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1987.

	12. Dettemann, Terry R.  "DOS Programmers Reference".
	    Carmel, Indiana: Que Corporation, 1988.

	13. Hogan, Thom.  "The Programmer's PC Sourcebook".
	    Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1988.

	14. Intel Corporation.	"Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook".
	    2 vols.  Mountain View, California: Intel Corporation, 1989.

	15. Wyatt, Allen L. Sr.  "Assembly Language Quick Reference".
	    Carmel, Indiana: Que Corporation, 1989.

	16. IBM Corporation. "Technical Reference: PS/2 Model 30 Technical
	    Reference".  Boca Raton, Florida: International Business
	    Machines Corporation, 1987.

	17. IBM Corporation. "Technical Reference: PS/2 Model 50 and 60
	    Technical Reference".  Boca Raton, Florida: International
	    Business Machines Corporation, 1987.

	18. Norton, Peter, and Richard Wilton.	"Programmer's Guide to the
	    IBM PC & PS/2".  Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1988.

	19. Duncan, Ray, and Susan Lammers, eds. "The MS-DOS Encyclopedia".
	    Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1988.

	20. IBM Corporation. "Technical Reference: PCjr".  Boca Raton,
	    Florida: International Business Machines Corporation, 1983.

	21. IBM Corporation, "Technical Reference: PC/AT".  Boca Raton,
	    Florida: International Business Machines Corporation, 1984.

	22. Bailey, Sharon.  "Periscope Manual".  Atlanta, Georgia:
	    The Periscope Company, 1990.

	23. Microsoft Corporation.  "Microsoft Mouse Programmer's
	    Reference".  Redmond, Washington: Microsoft Press, 1989.

	24. Schemmer, Bernd.  Letter to author.  1 July 1990.

	25. Microsoft Corporation.  "Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.0,
	    Programmer's Guide".  Redmond, Washington: Microsoft
	    Corporation, 1987.

	26. Parke, William C.  "Data Structures Used in IBM PC Compatibles
	    and the PS/2".  (Unpublished paper).
	27. NEC Electronics, Inc.  "Intelligent Peripheral Devices (IPD)
	    Data Book".  Mountain View, California: NEC Electronics,
	    Inc., 1989.

	28. Seiko Epson Corporation. "Epson LX-800 User's Manual".  Nagano,
	    Japan: Seiko Epson Corporation, 1987.

	29. Hewlett-Packard Company. "Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Family
	    Technical Reference Manual".  Boise, Idaho: Hewlett-Packard
	    Company, 1986.

	30. "System BIOS for IBM PC/XT/AT Computers and Compatibles".
	    Phoenix Technical Reference Series.  Reading, Massachusetts:
	    Addison-Wesley, 1990.

	31. Schulman, Andrew.  "Undocumented DOS".
	    Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1990.