INT 21,5F AL=00 Get Redirection Mode (DOS 3.1+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 00
	BL = redirection type
	   = 03  printer
	   = 04  disk drive

	on return:
	AX = error code if CF is set
	BH = device redirection state
	   = 00  redirection off
	   = 01  redirection on

	- determines if disk or printer redirection is enabled
	- fails if file sharing is not loaded

INT 21,5F AL=01 Set Redirection Mode (DOS 3.1+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 01
	BH = device redirection state
	   = 00  turn redirection off
	   = 01  turn redirection on
	BL = redirection type
	   = 03  printer
	   = 04  disk drive

	on return:
	AX = error code if CF is set

	- enables or disables disk or printer redirection
	- local devices are used when redirection is off
	- fails if file sharing is not loaded

INT 21,5F AL=02 Get Redirection List Entry (DOS 3.1+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 02
	BX = redirection list index
	DS:SI = far pointer to a 16 byte buffer to hold device name
	ES:DI = far pointer to a 128 byte buffer to hold network name

	on return:
	AX = error code if CF is set
	   = 1	invalid function code
	   = 12 no more files
	BH = device status flag,
	   bit 0 = 0  device valid
	   bit 0 = 1  device invalid
	BL = device type
	   = 3	printer
	   = 4	drive
	CX = stored parameter value
	DS:SI = far pointer to ASCIIZ local device name
	ES:DI = far pointer to ASCIIZ network name

	- value returned in CX is the value previously passed to
	  INT 21,5F with subfunction 3 in register CX
	- registers DX and BP are destroyed
	- fails if file sharing is not loaded

INT 21,5F AL=03 Redirect Device (DOS 3.1+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 03
	BL = device type
	   = 3 if printer
	   = 4 if drive
	CX = parameter to save for caller
	DS:SI = far pointer to ASCIIZ local device name
	ES:DI = far pointer to ASCIIZ network name followed
		by ASCIIZ password

	on return
	AX = error code if CF is set
	   = 1	invalid function code or
		invalid source or destination string format or
		source device already redirected
	   = 3	path not found
	   = 5	access denied
	   = 8	insufficient memory

	- parameter passed in CX can later be retrieved by calls
	  to INT 21,5F subfunction 2
	- local device name in DS:SI can be a drive designator
	  (D:), a printer name (PRN or LPTx), or a null string
	- when a null string is followed by a password is used, DOS
	  tries granting access to the network directory using the
	  given password
	- fails if file sharing is not loaded

INT 21,5F AL=04 Cancel Device Redirection (DOS 3.1+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 04
	DS:SI = far pointer to ASCIIZ local device name

	on return
	AX = error code if CF set
	   = 01  function code invalid
		 ASCIIZ string is not an existing source device
	   = 0F  redirection paused on server

	- local device name in DS:SI can be a drive designator
	  (D:), a printer name (PRN or LPTx), or a string beginning
	  with 2 backslashes "\\"
	- when two backslashes are used for the string the connection
	  between the local machine and network directory terminates
	- fails if file sharing is not loaded

INT 21,5F AL=05 Get Redirection List Extended Entry (DOS 4.0+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 05
	BX = redirection list index
	DS:SI = pointer to buffer to receive ASCIIZ source device name
	ES:DI = pointer to buffer to receive ASCIIZ network path

	on return
	AX = error code if CF set
	BH = device status flag (bit 0 clear if valid)
	BL = device type
	   = 03  printer device
	   = 04  disk device
	CX = stored user parameter value
	BP = NETBIOS local session number
	DS:SI = pointer to buffer containing ASCIIZ source device name
	ES:DI = pointer to buffer containing ASCIIZ network path

	- retrieves the status, type, source and target of a given redirection
	- fails if file sharing is not loaded

INT 21,5F AL=06 Get Redirection List (DOS 4.0+)

	AH = 5F
	AL = 06

	- no information is currently available for this subfunction