BIOS System Descriptor Table (PS/2)
Offset Size Description
00 word length of descriptor (8 minimum)
02 byte model byte (same as FFFF:E, not reliable)
03 byte secondary model byte
04 byte BIOS revision level (zero based)
05 byte feature information (see table)
06 dword reserved
|7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0| feature information at offset 5
| | | | | | | `--- reserved
| | | | | | `---- 0=PC bus, 1=Micro Channel
| | | | | `----- Extended BIOS Data Area (EBDA) allocated
| | | | `------ wait for external event supported
| | | `------- INT 15,4F used (kbd intercept)
| | `-------- RTC present
| `--------- 2nd 8259 present
`---------- DMA channel 3 used by fixed disk BIOS
- see also MACHINE IDENT and INT 15,C0