The NC100 Protext Command Mode

When editing a document in Protext, it is possible to enter Command Mode by pressing [Shift][Control][Stop].
The screen clears (except for the time) and you get a command line at the top-left. Three commands are known.

There is KEY which is another means of defining macros. To use it type a command such as:

KEY a "This is a MACRO"

The other two commands are complementary. The first is DU which dumps any part of the Notepad's RAM or ROM (whatever is mapped in) to the screen. Simply type:

DU &4000

or whatever other address you are interested in, and all the data will be printed to the screen in hexadecimal and as ASCII characters. Just press [Stop] to stop the screen from scrolling, any other key to resume printing, or [Stop] a second time to return to the command mode.

Using the MM command you can map in other parts of the system memory to location &4000, which you can then view using the DU command. So, to page in the Basic ROM, you would type:

MM &05

The values you can use and the RAM or ROM that gets paged in are:

MM &00ROMOperating System
MM &01ROMControl code
MM &02ROMCalculator
MM &03ROMAddress book
MM &04ROMDiary
MM &05ROMBBC Basic
MM &06ROMProtext
MM &07ROMProtext
MM &08ROMSpell Check Code
MM &09ROMSpell Check Code
MM &0AROMDictionary
MM &0BROMDictionary
MM &0CROMDictionary
MM &0DROMDictionary
MM &0EROMDictionary
MM &0FROMDictionary
MM &40RAMInternal RAM
MM &41RAMInternal RAM
MM &42RAMInternal RAM
MM &43RAMInternal RAM - including Video RAM
MM &80-RAMCard RAM of up to 64x 16K blocks (for 1MB card)