Int 14/AH=81h

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AH = 81h
BX:DI -> port control block (see #00367)
DX = port number

AH = line status register (see #00304) error if bit 7 set AL = modem status register (see #00305)

Program: COMM-DRV is a universal serial communications driver by Willies' Computer Software Company, which supports standard INT 14 and FOSSIL calls as well as its own interfaces

Note: AX=8001h should be called first to fill in the port control block

See Also: AH=00h - AX=8001h - AH=82h"COMM-DRV" - AH=86h"C

Format of COMM-DRV port control block: Offset Type Description (Table 00367) 00h WORD port IO address 02h WORD port IRQ 04h WORD baud rate 06h WORD parity 08h WORD data bits 0Ah WORD stop bits 0Ch WORD break status (0000h off) 0Eh WORD flow control protocol 10h BYTE input block 11h BYTE output block 12h WORD low threshold 14h WORD high threshold 16h WORD segment of buffer 18h WORD offset of buffer 1Ah WORD input buffer length 1Ch WORD output buffer length 1Eh BYTE auxiliary address 1Fh BYTE spare 20h 4 WORDs spares

Category: Serial I/O - Int 14h - C


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