Int 16/AX=FFB5h

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AX = FFB5h
BX = window specifier (000Fh to 0019h) (see #00621)
DX = 0000h get, nonzero = set
ES:DI -> window parameter buffer (see #00622)

See Also: AX=FFCBh

(Table 00621) Values for PC Tools DESKTOP window specifier: 000Fh comm/FAX 0014h hotkey selection 0015h ASCII table 0016h system colors menu

Format of PC Tools DESKTOP window parameters: Offset Size Description (Table 00622) 00h BYTE rows in window, not counting frame 01h BYTE columns in window, not counting frame 02h BYTE row number of top of window 03h BYTE 2*column number of left of window 04h BYTE character attribute for ??? 05h BYTE character attribute for background/border 06h BYTE character attribute for ??? 07h DWORD pointer to ??? on screen 0Bh 4 BYTEs ??? 0Fh BYTE nonzero if window may be resized

Note: If running in monochrome mode, character attributes at offsets 04h to 06h are stored unchanged, but attributes other than 07h, 0Fh, or 70h are changed to 07h on reading

Category: Resident Utilities - Int 16h - P


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