Int 1A/AH=06h

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AH = 06h
CH = hour (BCD)
CL = minutes (BCD)
DH = seconds (BCD)

CF set on error (alarm already set or clock stopped for update) CF clear if successful

Notes: The alarm occurs every 24 hours until turned off, invoking INT 4A each time. The BIOS does not check for invalid values for the time, so the CMOS clock chip's "don't care" setting (any values between C0h and FFh) may be used for any or all three parts. For example, to create an alarm once a minute, every minute, call with CH=FFh, CL=FFh, and DH=00h.

See Also: AH=07h - AH=0Ch - INT 4A"SYSTEM"

Category: Bios - Int 1Ah - T


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