Int 21/AX=2512h

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AX = 2512h
DS:EDX -> pointer to ASCIZ program name
ES:EBX -> pointer to parameter block (see #01363)
ECX = size in bytes of LDT buffer

CF clear if successful EAX = number of segment descriptors in LDT CF set on error EAX = error code (see #01362)

See Also: AX=2517h

(Table 01362) Values for Phar Lap error code: 02h file not found or path invalid 05h access denied 08h insufficient memory 0Ah environment invalid 0Bh invalid file format 80h LDT too small

Format of Phar Lap program load parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01363) Input: 00h DWORD 32-bit offset of environment string 04h WORD segment of environment string 06h DWORD 32-bit offset of command-tail string 0Ah WORD segment of command-tail string 0Ch DWORD 32-bit offset of LDT buffer (size in ECX) 10h WORD segment of LDT buffer Output: 12h WORD real-mode paragraph address of PSP (see also AH=26h) 14h WORD real/protected mode flag 0000h real mode 0001h protected mode 16h DWORD initial EIP value 1Ah WORD initial CS value 1Ch DWORD initial ESP value 20h WORD initial SS value 22h WORD initial DS value 24h WORD initial ES value 26h WORD initial FS value 28h WORD initial GS value

Category: DOS Extenders - Int 21h - P


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