Int 21/AX=71A0h

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AX = 71A0h
DS:DX -> ASCIZ root name (e.g. "C:\")
ES:DI -> buffer for file system name
CX = size of ES:DI buffer

CF clear if successful AX destroyed (0000h and 0200h seen) BX = file system flags (see #01783) CX = maximum length of file name [usually 255] DX = maximum length of path [usually 260] ES:DI buffer filled (ASCIZ, e.g. "FAT","NTFS","CDFS") CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported

Notes: For the file system name buffer, 32 bytes should be sufficient; that's what is used in some sample code by Walter Oney from Microsoft.. This function accesses the disk the first time it is called

BUG: This function returns DX=0000h for CD-ROM drives under Win95 SP1

See Also: AX=714Eh - AX=7160h/CL=00h

Bitfields for long filename volume information flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 01783) 0 searches are case sensitive 1 preserves case in directory entries 2 uses Unicode characters in file and directory names 3-13 reserved (0) 14 supports DOS long filename functions 15 volume is compressed

Category: DOS Kernel - Int 21h - W


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