Int 21/AX=F216h/SF=1Bh

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AX = F216h subfn 1Bh
CX = length of request packet in bytes
DX = length of reply buffer in bytes
DS:SI -> request packet (see #02123)
ES:DI -> reply buffer (see #02124)

AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)

See Also: AH=F2h"Novell" - AX=F216h/SF=1Ch - AX=F216h/SF=1Dh - AX=F257h/SF=10h

Format of NetWare "Scan Salvageable Files (Old)" request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02123) 00h WORD length of following data 02h BYTE 1Bh (subfunction "Scan Salvageable Files (Old)") 03h BYTE directory handle 04h DWORD last sequence number (set to FFFFFFFFh before first call)

See Also: #02124 - #02399

Format of NetWare "Scan Salvageable Files (Old)" reply packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02124) 00h DWORD next sequence number 04h WORD subdirectory 06h DWORD attributes 0Ah BYTE unique ID 0Bh BYTE flags 0Ch BYTE name space 0Dh BYTE length of filename 0Eh 14 BYTEs filename 1Ah DWORD creation date and time 1Eh DWORD owner ID 22h DWORD last-backup date and time 26h DWORD last-backup ID 2Ah DWORD last-modified date and time 2Eh WORD ??? 30h DWORD last-modified ID 34h DWORD file size 38h 44 BYTEs reserved 62h WORD inherited rights mask 64h WORD last-access date 66h DWORD deleted file's time 6Ah DWORD deletion date and time 6Eh DWORD ID of deletor 72h 16 BYTEs reserved

See Also: #02123 - #02400

Category: Netware - Int 21h - N


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