Int 2F/AX=1510h

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AX = 1510h
CX = CD-ROM drive letter (0 = A, 1 = B, etc)
ES:BX -> CD-ROM device driver request header (see #02597 at AX=0802h)

CF clear if device driver has been called (check the request header's status word to determine whether an error has occurred) ES:BX request header updated CF set if device driver has not been called AX = error code (000Fh = invalid drive, 0001h = invalid function) ES:BX request header unchanged

Notes: MSCDEX initializes the device driver request header's subunit field based on the drive number specified in CX. MSCDEX v2.21 through v2.25 (at least) return error code AX=0001h if nested calls are attempted

BUGS: Novell DOS 7 NWCDEX prior to the 12/13/94 update did not initialize the subunit field. Windows95 sets CF if CX isn't a CD-ROM drive but leaves CF unchanged if the drive is in fact a CD-ROM

See Also: AX=0802h

Category: Disk I/O Enhancements - Int 2Fh - C


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