Int 2F/AX=4310h

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Helix Netroom RM386 v6.00 - XMS EXTENSIONS

AX = 4310h

ES:BX -> driver entry point (see #02783,#02784,#02785,#02786)

Notes: HIMEM.SYS v2.77 chains to previous handler if AH is not 00h or 10h. HIMEM.SYS requires at least 256 bytes free stack space when calling the driver entry point

See Also: AX=4300h - AX=4310h"XMS" - AX=4310h"Cloaking"

(Table 02783) Call the Netroom RM386 v6.00 "Reallocate upper memory block" function with:. AH = 80h. DX = segment address of UMB to resize. BX = new size of block in paragraphs

AX = status 0001h success 0000h failure BL = error code (80h,B0h,B2h) (see #02775) DX = maximum available size

Note: This function is identical to function 12h

See Also: #02768 - #02784

(Table 02784) Call the Netroom RM386 v6.00 "re-enable HMA allocation" function with:. AH = 81h

AX = 0001h (success)

See Also: #02751 - #02783 - #02785

(Table 02785) Call the Netroom RM386 v6.00 "Create new UMB entry" function with:. AH = 83h. BX = segment of high-memory block. DX = first page of start of block. CX = number of consecutive pages in block. DI = start of UMB in block

AX = 0001h (success) DI = segment of first high-DOS block

Note: The new UMB is not linked into the high-memory chain

See Also: #02766 - #02784 - #02786

(Table 02786) Call the Netroom RM386 v6.00 "Get all XMS handles info" function with:. AH = 84h. CX = size of buffer for handle info. ES:DI -> buffer for handle info (see #02777)

AX = 0001h (success) DX = current number of allocated XMS handles

See Also: #02785 - #02771

Category: Memory Management - Int 2Fh - H


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