Int 2F/AX=E303h

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AX = E303h
BL = function
01h toggle insert mode
02h display contents of history buffer
03h write history buffer to file
ES:DX -> file name
04h clear history buffer
05h undefine all aliases
06h show aliases
07h list programs using Unix switchar
08h jump to bottom of history buffer
09h (v4.0) add string to history buffer
ES:DX -> ASCIZ string
0Ah (v4.0) ???
ES:DX -> ???
0Bh (v4.0) copy string to edit buffer for use as next input line
ES:DX -> ASCIZ string
0Ch (v4.0) ???
0Dh (v4.0) copy ??? to ???
0Eh (v4.0) ???
0Fh (v4.0) ???
10h (v4.0) set ??? flag
11h (v4.0) display error message about running in EMS under Windows


See Also: AX=E300h

Category: Keyboard Enhancers - Int 2Fh - A


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