Int 2F/AX=FB42h/BX=0001h

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AX = FB42h
BX = 0001h

AX = version number??? (AL=major, AH=minor) CX = next-selector increment ---BC2.0--- ES:BX -> 80-byte buffer for ??? DX = DPMI version ---BC3.0--- BX = ??? (0000h) DX = ??? ES:SI -> list of valid selectors ???

Notes: The version of DPMILOAD distributed with BC++ v2.0 identifies itself as version 1.000, while the version distributed with BC++ 3.0 identifies itself as version 1.0; the former is 10864 bytes, the latter 22180 bytes. The BC2.0 version is a DPMI loader, while the BC3.0 version also adds a DPMI host and DOS extender. The BC++ 2.0 version displays an error message if called with BX values other than 0001h-0008h

See Also: AX=1687h - AX=FB42h/BX=1001h - AX=FB43h

Category: DOS Extenders - Int 2Fh - B


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