Int 61/AX=000Fh/SF=0002h

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AX = 000Fh subfn 0002h
CX:BX -> request block (see #03447)
DX = application's data segment (should be = CX)

AX = status 0000h successful 00A5h resource not available

Desc: Send data to a socket identified by its socket handle

Format of request block: Offset Size Description (Table 03447) 00h WORD 0002h 02h WORD magic number (FEFEh) 04h WORD buffer for return code (set to 0 before calling) 06h WORD reserved (will be set to client DS) 08h WORD reserved (obviously not used; set to 0 before calling) 0Ah DWORD far pointer to parameter block (see #03448) 0Eh WORD process handle (see AX=000Fh/SF=0008h)

Format of parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 03448) 00h WORD buffer for estimated communication cost in 220 msec ticks 02h WORD buffer for return code (set to 0 before calling) 04h WORD socket handle 06h DWORD far pointer to IPC/SPP message buffer 0Ah WORD length of IPC/SPP message buffer 0Ch WORD option flags

bit 0:
Asynchronous communication

bit 1:
Reliable message

bit 3:
End of message

bit 4:
Vectored I/O 0Eh 16 BYTEs socket address (IPC port of source) 1Eh WORD not used (set to 0 before calling) 20h WORD SPP connection id (0 for IPC messages) 22h WORD request type (1 = data, 2 = connect SPP, 3 = disconnect SPP)

See Also: #03447

Category: Network - Int 61h - B


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