Int 61/AX=000Fh/SF=0008h

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AX = 000Fh subfn 0008h
CX:BX -> request block (see #03450)
DX = application's data segment (should be = CX)

AX = status 0000h successful 00A5h resource not available

Desc: Returns a process handle to be used in other request blocks

Notes: This function is a prerequisite to all AX=000Fh subfunctions which expect a process handle in the request block. Although subsequent calls from the same application return different process handles, there seem to be no restrictions on how many times an application may call this function (in fact, the code in the VINES toolkit library always calls it before issueing other AX=000Fh calls)

Format of request block: Offset Size Description (Table 03450) 00h WORD 0008h 02h WORD magic number (FEFEh) 04h WORD buffer for return code (set to 0 before calling) 06h WORD reserved 08h WORD reserved (obviously not used; set to 0 before calling) 0Ah DWORD process type (1 = transient, 2 = resident; destroyed on exit) 0Eh WORD buffer for process handle

Category: Network - Int 61h - B


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