Int 61/AH=0Eh

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PC/TCP kernel v2.05+ - net_select - DETECT READINESS OF NETWORK

AH = 0Eh
BX = maximum value of network descriptor for which to return info
DS:DX -> 32-bit (max) array of bit flags for read readiness
ES:DI -> 32-bit (max) array of bit flags for write readiness

CF clear

Test for the signature "TCPTSR" three bytes beyond the start of the interrupt handler

INT 20 to INT E0, selected by configuration

Notes: Bits in the DS:DX buffer are set if the corresponding network descriptor may be read without blocking; bits in the ES:DI buffer are set if the corresponding network descriptor may be written without blocking. This implies that the network descriptor has opened correctly and the protocol initialized.

See Also: INT 61"FTP Software" - INT 61/AH=00h"PC/TCP"

Category: Network - Int 61h - P


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