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{Þ Oh, about the thedraw screens, here's
Þ a bit of code in which you can load up a File saved as O)bject, P)ascal.
Þ Oh this is saved as Uncrunched not Crunched.
Þ {$L,TESTFile.OBJ}  {This is the File you saved in thedraw as a Object}
                    {It is linked directly into the code at Compile time}

 Procedure ImageData; external;   {The imagedata Procedure you can}
                                  {define the name of this Procedure}
                                  {when you save the File in TheDraw}
     Move (Pointer(@ImageData)^,ptr($B800,0)^,5000);

{By using the Move instruction, the placement of the image
is restricted to full screens or essentially 80 Character lines.

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