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Crt Unit, but I don't want to use the Crt. Could some one show
me a routine For Pause, or Delay With a Time Factor?
...I can supply you With KeyPressed and ReadKey routines For
TP6 or TP7, which could be used to create a Pause routine.
The Delay is a bit harder, I've got a routine I wrote last
year For this, but I'm still not happy With it's accuracy.
{ Read a key-press. }
Function ReadKeyChar : {output} Char; Assembler;
mov ah, 00h
int 16h
end; { ReadKeyChar. }
{ Function to indicate if a key is in the keyboard buffer. }
Function KeyPressed : {output} Boolean; Assembler;
mov ah, 01h
int 16h
mov ax, 00h
jz #1
inc ax
end; { KeyPressed. }
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