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{ I am wanting to enable Bright Background Colors in my Pascal programs.
Here's a little something:
{---cut here---}
uses Crt;
Procedure SetBlinkEGAVGA(BlinkOn : boolean); assembler;
{ Enables/disables bright background colors on EGA/VGA adapters }
mov bl,BlinkOn
mov ax,1003h { BIOS function to enable/disable blinking }
int 10h
End; { SetBlinkEGAVGA }
Procedure SetBlinkCGAMDA(BlinkOn : boolean); assembler;
{ Enables/disables 16 background colors on EGA/VGA adapters }
mov dx,03D8h { default=CGA }
{$IFDEF VER70} mov ax,Seg0040 {$ELSE} mov ax,0040h {$ENDIF}
mov es,ax
cmp byte ptr [es:0049h],07h { mono mode? }
jne @@1
mov dx,03B8h { so its MDA }
mov ax,word ptr [es:0065h]
or BlinkOn,False
jz @@2
or ax,20h
jmp @@3
and ax,0DFh
out dx,ax
End; { SetBlinkCGAMDA }
Function EGAInstalled : boolean; assembler;
mov ax,1200h
mov bx,0010h
xor cx,cx
int 10h
xor al,al { mov al,False }
or cx,0
jz @noega
inc al { al gets True }
End; { EGAInstalled }
if EGAInstalled then
SetBlinkEGAVGA(False) else SetBlinkCGAMDA(False);
TextAttr := LightGray;
TextAttr := Blue + White shl 4;
Write('Blue on bright White :)');
GotoXY(1, 1);
Write('Blue on lightgray blinking :(');
if EGAInstalled then
SetBlinkEGAVGA(True) else SetBlinkCGAMDA(True);
TextAttr := LightGray;
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