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± Anybody know a realitively easy way to determine the file allocation
± unit size offa hard/floppy drive?? Pascal source would be prefered over
± pascal assembly as I know next to nothing about assembly.
Function GetUA(Drive: Byte:LongInt; {0=Default, 1=A, 2=B,..etc .}
Var regs:Registers;
regs.ah:=$1C; { Int 21h, Function 1Ch: Get drive data }
{ * Parameters: }
regs.dl:=Drive; { DL = Drive code }
intr($21,regs); { Call function. }
{ * Returns: }
{ AL = Sectors per cluster }
{ DS:DX = Segment:Offset of ID byte }
{ CX = Physical sector length (bytes) }
{ DX = Number of clusters of default unit }
GetUA:=regs.al*regs.cx; { Returns SPC*SL }
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