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I managed to write a unit called Fonts that will allow you to customise your
EGA/VGA character sets and fonts like it is done in the Norton Utilities, save
and restore them easily. There are given some different sizes for fonts:
8x8 (VGA mode 80x50 or EGA mode 80x43)
8x14 (EGA mode 80x25)
8x16 (VGA mode 80x25)
9x16 (not currently supported)
Each character represents the matrix with length of 8, 14, or 16 bytes. Here is
the table for 8x8, 8x14 and 8x16 fonts, respectively:
8x8 font 8x14 font 8x16 font
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
So for 8x8 font there is array[0..255,1..8] of Byte, for 8x14 -
array[0..255,1..14] of Byte, and for 8x16 - array[0..255,1..16] of Byte.
How to reprogram a ASCII character so it will look 'as you would like it to
Single scan line of each character of any font type consists of 8 bits (1
byte) each. Each font (as said earlier) has 8, 14, or 16 scan lines and will
occupy whether 256*8=2048, 256*14=3584, or 256*16=4096 bytes (since there are
0..255=256 bytes in the ASCII table).
To define your own 'A' letter, for example, in font 8x8 you would need:
1. To define first your own 8x8 matrix for 'A' character like shown below:
00011111 hex 1F
00110011 hex 33
01100011 hex 63
11000011 hex C3
11000011 hex C3
11111111 hex FF
11000011 hex C3
11000011 hex C3
2. To replace active matrix of character 'A' with the new one using the Fonts
unit do the following:
Define a new 'A' character matrix for 8x8. NewA contains the buffer to load
matrix from
NewA : array[1..8] of Byte = ($1F, $33, $63, $C3, $C3, $FF, $C3, $C3);
LoadCharset(NewA, Ord('A'), 1, 8)
Unit Fonts;
{ Copyright (c) 1994 by Andrew Eigus Fidonet: 2:5100/33 }
{ Public Domain, ready for SWAG }
This unit provides EGA/VGA font management routines and enables you
to save/restore characters or charsets and also makes it easy for you
to set your own (custom) characters or charsets in EGA/VGA modes
8x8 font: for EGA 80x43 or VGA 80x50 modes,
8x14 font: for EGA 80x25 mode,
8x16 font: for VGA 80x25 mode
{ 8x8 font table type }
P8x8Charset = ^T8x8Charset;
T8x8Charset = array[0..255, 1..8] of Byte;
{ 8x14 font table type }
P8x14Charset = ^T8x14Charset;
T8x14Charset = array[0..255,1..14] of Byte;
{ 8x16 font table type }
P8x16Charset = ^T8x16Charset;
T8x16Charset = array[0..255, 1..16] of Byte;
{ ROM table pointer request codes to use with #SaveROMFont#: }
reqInt1F = 0; { return current Int 1Fh graphics font address }
reqInt44 = 1; { return current Int 44h graphics font address }
req8x14 = 2; { return ROM 8x14 font table address }
req8x8 = 3; { return ROM 8x8 double dot font table address }
req8x8t = 4; { return ROM 8x8 double dot address (top) }
req9x14 = 5; { return ROM 9x14 alternate table address }
req8x16 = 6; { return ROM 8x16 font table address }
function EGAInstalled : boolean;
{ Determines whether EGA/VGA is installed or not. If EGA/VGA is installed,
True is returned and you may freely use all of those routines in this
See also #GetScanLines# }
function GetScanLines : byte;
{ Performs auto detection of scan lines per one character in active video
for 80x43 EGA or 80x50 VGA mode - 8,
for 80x25 EGA mode - 14,
for 80x25 VGA mode - 16 }
procedure SaveCharset(var Buffer; StartChar, Count, ScanLines : word);
{ Saves Count characters from video memory into Buffer starting with
StartChar ASCII code and using the ScanLines number for each character
matrix. To determine number of scan lines in active video font,
use function #GetScanLines#. (see #SaveFont# procedure) }
procedure LoadCharset(var Buffer; StartChar, Count, ScanLines : word);
{ Loads Count characters from Buffer into video memory starting with
StartChar ASCII code and using the ScanLines for each character matrix.
To determine number of scan lines in active video font,
use function #GetScanLines#. (see #LoadFont# procedure) }
procedure LoadROMCharset(var Buffer; StartChar, Count, ScanLines : word);
{ Loads Count characters from ROM charset into video memory starting with
StartChar ASCII code and using the ScanLines for each character matrix.
To determine number a number of scan lines in active video font,
use function #GetScanLines#. }
procedure SaveROMFont(var Font; Code : byte);
{ Saves ROM font table into Buffer for the specified table pointer
request code. See ROM table pointer request codes for more information. }
procedure SaveFont(var Font; ScanLines : byte);
{ Saves the whole active video font into Buffer and uses the value of
ScanLines to calculate the font size. }
procedure LoadFont(var Font; ScanLines : byte);
{ Loads the whole into video memory and uses the value of
ScanLines to calculate the font size. }
Procedure OpenRegs; near; assembler;
{ This is used internally and required by the unit }
mov dx,03C4h
mov ax,0402h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0704h
out dx,ax
mov dl,0CEh { port 03CEh }
mov ax,0204h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0005h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0406h
out dx,ax
End; { OpenRegs }
Procedure CloseRegs; near; assembler;
{ This is used internally and required by the unit. }
mov dx,03C4h
mov ax,0302h
out dx,ax
mov ax,0304h
out dx,ax
mov dl,0CEh { port 03CEh }
mov ax,0004h
out dx,ax
mov ax,1005h
out dx,ax
mov es,Seg0040
mov ax,0E06h
cmp byte ptr es:[0049h],07h
jne @color
mov ax,0A06h
out dx,ax
End; { CloseRegs }
Function EGAInstalled; assembler;
mov ax,1200h
mov bx,0010h
xor cx,cx
int 10h
xor al,al { mov al,False }
or cx,0 { still cx the same? yes, there's no EGA }
jz @noega
inc al { al gets True }
End; { EGAInstalled }
Function GetScanLines; assembler;
mov es,Seg0040
mov al,byte ptr es:[0085h]
End; { GetScanLines }
Procedure SaveCharset; assembler;
call OpenRegs
push ds
mov ax,SegA000
mov ds,ax
mov ax,StartChar
mov bx,32
mul bx
mov si,ax
les di,Buffer
mov ax,Count
mul bx
mov dx,ScanLines
mov cx,dx
rep movsb
mov cx,bx
sub cx,dx
add si,cx
sub ax,bx
cmp ax,0
jnz @@1
pop ds
call CloseRegs
End; { SaveCharset }
Procedure LoadCharset; assembler;
call OpenRegs
push ds
mov es,SegA000
mov ax,StartChar
mov bx,32
mul bx
mov di,ax
mov ax,Count
mul bx
mov dx,ScanLines
lds si,Buffer
mov cx,dx
rep movsb
mov cx,bx
sub cx,dx
add di,cx
sub ax,bx
cmp ax,0
jnz @@1
pop ds
call CloseRegs
End; { LoadCharset }
Procedure SaveROMFont; assembler;
mov ax,1130h
mov bh,Code
les bp,Font
int 10h
End; { SaveROMFont }
Procedure LoadROMCharset; assembler;
mov ah,11h
xor al,al
mov cx,Count
mov dx,StartChar
xor bl,bl
mov bh,byte ptr ScanLines
les bp,Buffer
int 10h
End; { LoadROMCharset }
Procedure SaveFont;
SaveCharset(Font, 0, 256, ScanLines)
End; { SaveFont }
Procedure LoadFont;
LoadCharset(Font, 0, 256, ScanLines)
End; { LoadFont }
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