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Some time ago, I posted here an uuencoder with the following comment :
This is the fastest I could come up with ; I suspect it's fairly
faster than the one that was posted earlier. Going still faster
would require some change in the algorithm, which I'm much to
lazy to go through <g>.
I was recently toying with this UU matter, and came onto that piece of
code in the SWAGS ; I found it amazingly slow, which it actually is, so
here's the new release (about 10 times faster ; I've given up lazyness
for that one).
Please note that the warning still applies :
Beware, this program does not check before overwritting an existing .uue
file. Generally speaking, the error checking is quite light.
{$r-,s-,q-} { for the sake of speed only }
Uses DOS ;
BytesPerLine = 45 ; { maximum bytes per encoded line }
Masque6bits = $3f ; { mask for six lower bits }
Procedure EncodeBuffer(Var Buf ; Len : Integer ; Var Res : String) ;
{ UUEncodes Len bytes from Buf into Res }
Assembler ;
Push DS
LDS SI, Buf { source buffer }
LES DI, Res { destination buffer }
Mov CX, Len { source length }
Inc DI { ES:DI points to first char of Res }
Mov AL, CL
Add AL, ' '
StoSB { store coded number of bytes in line }
Mov DL, 1 { DL will hold the actual length of Res }
{ This loops process 3 input bytes to make 4 output characters }
LodSB { 1st byte }
Mov BL, AL { save it }
ShR AL, 2 { keep 6 most significant bits (msb) }
Add AL, ' ' { encode }
StoSB { store in Res }
ShL BL, 4 { BL's 4 msb contains 1st byte's 4 lsb }
LodSB { load 2nd byte }
Mov BH, AL { save it }
ShR AL, 4 { AL's 4 lsb contains 2nd byte's 4 msb }
And AL, Masque6bits{ clear out 2 msb }
Add AL, ' ' { encode }
StoSB { store 2nd char }
LodSB { load 3rd byte }
Mov BL, AL { save it }
And BH, $0f { BH now holds 4 lsb of 2nd byte }
ShL AL, 1 { rotate BH:AL... }
RCL BH, 1 { ...left 2 bits so that... }
ShL AL, 1 { ...6 lsb of BH contains 4 lsb of 2nd byte... }
RCL BH, 1 { ...and 2 msb of 3rd byte (clear ?) }
Mov AL, BH
Add AL, ' ' { encode 3rd char }
StoSB { store it }
Mov AL, BL { BL contains 3rd byte }
And AL, Masque6bits{ keep only 6 lsb }
Add AL, ' ' { encode }
StoSB { store 4th char }
Add DL, 4 { add 4 to resulting string's length }
Sub CX, 3 { 3 bytes processed }
JA @1 { if more to process, loop }
Mov DI, Word Ptr Res
Mov ES:[DI], DL { store resulting string's length }
Pop DS
End ;
Procedure ReplaceSpaceWithBackQuote(Var Str : String) ;
{ Replaces ' ' with '`' in Str }
Assembler ;
Mov CL, ES:[DI]
Inc DI
Mov AX, '`'*256+' '
JNE @2
Mov ES:[DI-1], AH
Jmp #1
End ;
Var { buffers for input and output files }
InBuf : Array[1..100*BytesPerLine] Of Byte ;
OutBuf : Array[1..8192] Of Char ;
Procedure EncodeFile(FName : String) ;
Var InF : File ; { input file }
OutF : Text ; { output file }
OutB : String[BytesPerLine*4 Div 3+4] ; { output buffer }
Lus : Word ; { # of bytes read from input file }
InP : Word ; { current pos in input buffer }
Nb : Word ; { # of bytes to process }
Rep : PathStr ;
Nom : NameStr ;
Ext : ExtStr ;
{ Open input file }
Assign(InF, FName) ;
ReSet(InF, 1) ;
If IOResult<>0 Then
WriteLn('Can''t open ', FName) ;
Exit ;
End ;
FSplit(FName, Rep, Nom, Ext) ;
{ Create (erase) output file in current directory }
Assign(OutF, Nom+'.UUE') ;
ReWrite(OutF) ;
SetTextBuf(OutF, OutBuf, SizeOf(OutBuf)) ;
WriteLn(OutF, 'begin 644 ', Nom, Ext) ;
While Not EOF(InF) Do
{ Fill the input buffer }
BlockRead(InF, InBuf, SizeOf(InBuf), Lus) ;
InP:=1 ;
If Lus<SizeOf(InBuf) Then { this 0-filling is optional }
FillChar(InBuf[Lus+1], SizeOf(InBuf)-Lus, 0) ;
While InP<=Lus Do
{ Process BytesPerLine bytes at a time }
Write('.') ;
Nb:=Lus-InP+1 ;
If Nb>BytesPerLine Then Nb:=BytesPerLine ;
EncodeBuffer(InBuf[InP], Nb, OutB) ;
ReplaceSpaceWithBackQuote(OutB) ;
WriteLn(OutF, OutB) ;
Inc(InP, Nb) ;
End ;
End ;
Close(InF) ;
{ write UUE footer }
WriteLn(OutF, '`') ;
WriteLn(OutF, 'end') ;
Close(OutF) ;
End ;
If ParamCount<>1 Then
WriteLn('UUE2 <file name>') ;
Halt(1) ;
End ;
EncodeFile(ParamStr(1)) ;
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