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Program DoubConv;
{ This program demonstrates the conversion of a 8 byte Turbo Pascal }
{ real variable type by re-creating the exponent and Mantissa. }
{ The temporary variable Mantissa accumulates the value stored in }
{ bytes 2 through 8. }
type EightByteArray = array[1..8] of byte;
UserReal = Extended; { Insert appropriate type to convert 8 byte
real type to. }
var r : double;
s : EightByteArray absolute r;
{ Allow access to individual real type bytes }
i,j : byte;
PosFlag : boolean;
Mantissa : UserReal;
Exponent : integer;
Number : UserReal;
{ the mantissa and number can be typed as to the number desired }
{ i.e. Real, Single, Extended, BCD }
function power (x,y : integer) : UserReal;
power := exp(y * ln(x));
write('Enter floating point Number ');
PosFlag := ($80 and s[8]) = 0;
{ Check if entry is positive from bit 7 of byte 8 }
s[8] := s[8] and $7F; { Force bit 7 of byte 8 off }
Mantissa := 0.0; { Initialize the Mantissa }
for i := 1 to 6 do { Check each byte of mantissa }
for j := 0 to 7 do { Check each bit }
if ((s[i] shr j) and 1 ) = 1 then
Mantissa := Mantissa + power(2, (j + (i-1) * 8));
{ Increment mantissa appropriately }
for j := 0 to 3 do { get mantissa info from byte 7 }
if ((s[7] shr j) and 1) = 1 then
Mantissa := Mantissa + power(2, (j + 48));
{ Increment mantissa appropriately }
{ add the assumed mantissa value at bit 52 }
Mantissa := (Mantissa + power(2,52)) / power(2,52);
{ Normalize the number by dividing by 2^52 }
Exponent := s[7] shr 4;
Exponent := Exponent + s[8] * 16;
if (Exponent > 0) and (Exponent < 2047) then begin
Exponent := Exponent - 1023;
Number := Mantissa * power(2, exponent);
{ Get number by multiply Mantissa by the exponent }
if (Exponent = 0) then begin
if mantissa <> 0 then
Number := Mantissa * power(2, -1022);
else number := 0;
if not PosFlag then Number := Number * -1;
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