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Unit Oversize;
{ Author: Trevor J Carlsen
Algorithm Enterprises Pty Ltd
PO Box 568
Port Hedland 6721
Western Australia
Telephone: (Voice) +61 [0]91 73 2026
(Data ) +61 [0]91 73 2569
Released into the Public Domain 1991.
An Unit that will enable logical Arrays to be created using up to the amount
of heap memory available.
The line marked (**) MUST be altered to reflect the Type of data in big
Array and the Unit MUST be reCompiled after this change.
No provision is made in this Unit For recovering the memory used by the big
Array as the intention was to keep it appearing to the Programmer as close
as possible to static Type global Variables.
Bear in mind that you do not declare your Array anywhere using this Unit.
That is all handled automatically. All you have to do is give the global
Variable MaxElements a value With the number of elements you want in the
Array and then call the Procedure initialise. From then on your Array is
called data^. (Actually it is called nothing as it is dynamic and is
referenced via the Pointer "data" but if you think of it as being called
"data^" you don't even need to know how Pointers work!)
The Array, using this Unit, can only be singly dimensioned although there is
no reason why the Unit could not be hacked to allow multi-dimensions.
(**) DataType = LongInt; { change to whatever Type you want For the Array }
bigArray = Array[0..0] of DataType;
bigptr = ^bigArray;
data : bigptr;
MaxElements : LongInt; { this Variable must have the number of elements }
Function Element(l:LongInt):Byte;
{ Call by passing the element number you wish to reference. }
{ Always returns zero. It works by changing the value of the Pointer }
{ data. This means that you cannot ever reference your big Array by }
{ data^[100000] := whatever; }
{ It MUST always be referenced by calling this Function eg. }
{ data^[Element(100000)] := whatever; }
Function AllocateMem(Var b,l): Boolean;
{ Returns True if memory was allocated successfully For the big Array and }
{ False if there was insufficient memory. }
Procedure Initialise; { Must be called beFore using any other Procedure }
{ private declarations }
max = 65520 div sizeof(dataType);{ The number of elements/segment }
initialised : Boolean = False;
address = Record { allows arithmetic on the Pointers }
segment : Word;
baseArray = Array[0..9] of address; { For the addresses of the segments }
base : baseArray;
Function Element(l:LongInt):Byte;
theaddress : address Absolute data;
bigaddress : baseArray Absolute base;
{ First make sure that initialisation has been done correctly }
if not initialised then begin
Writeln('Initialise Procedure has not been called');
end; { if not initialised }
Element := 0; { It is Really irrelevent but any other value here would }
{ produce a range check error at runtime if R+ }
{ Now let us fool TP into thinking that the address of element zero is }
{ address of the element we are looking For. }
With theaddress do begin
segment := bigaddress[l div max].segment; { Get the segment }
offset := (l mod max) * sizeof(dataType); { Get the offset }
end; { With theaddress }
end; { ElementNumber }
Function AllocateMem(Var b,l): Boolean;
ptrArray = Array[0..9] of Pointer;
bArray: ptrArray Absolute b;
x : Byte;
count : LongInt;
count := MaxElements;
AllocateMem := True;
For x := 0 to (count div max) do { allocate in 64K contiguous chunks }
if (count * sizeof(dataType)) > 65520 then begin
if MaxAvail < (max * sizeof(dataType)) then begin { not enough memory}
AllocateMem := False;
GetMem(bArray[x],max * sizeof(dataType));
if MaxAvail < (count * sizeof(dataType)) then
AllocateMem := False
GetMem(bArray[x],count * sizeof(dataType));
end; { AllocateMem }
Procedure Initialise;
if not AllocateMem(base,MaxElements) then begin
Writeln('Insufficient memory');
initialised := True; { All Ok and memory has been allocated }
end; { Initialise }
end. { Unit Oversize
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