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> How would you go about displaying themount of total memory ram
> installed in a computer.
> i have tried Intr($15,regs);
> with regs do
> AH := $88;
> Writeln(regs.(AX);
> I read the above in Peter Nortons Programmers Bible but i get some
> number that I'm sure what to do which;
> i was wondering if some one could help thanks
Russ, you have to load AH with $88 before the Int 15 call, not
after. However, HIMEM hooks this interrupt anyway and only shows
available extended memory, not installed memory. Try the following
program instead:
program show_ram;
int15: longint = $f000f859;
baseram,extram: word;
int 12h
mov baseram,ax
mov ah,88h
call int15
mov extram,ax
writeln('Base RAM = ',baseram,' Kbytes');
writeln('Extended RAM = ',extram,' KBytes');
This works on 286 cpu's and above since 8088/8086's don't have
extended memory.
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