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Tel : 7+(095) 333-9469
E-Mail: vad@glas.apc.org
>I'm wondering if anyone can tell me whether dynamic arrays have the same
>64Kbyte limit per field that static arrays do? If so can ayone suggest away
>to store data in memory that is sure to exceed this limit?
The first way is known to all serious TP programmers.
You could create large fragmental structure by control block.
Large = Array [1 .. 65520] of Byte;
PLarge = ^Large;
Huge = Array [1 .. 16380] of Pointer; { control block }
PHuge = ^Huge;
Hg : PHuge;
MaxRow , MaxCol , r , c : Word;
Repeat ReadLn(MaxRow , MaxCol)
Until (MaxCol > 0) and (MaxCol <= 65520) and
(MaxRow > 0) and (MaxRow <= 16380);
GetMem(Hg , Sizeof(Pointer) * MaxRow);
For r := 1 to MaxRow do GetMem(Hg^[r] , MaxCol);
For r := 1 to MaxRow
do For c := 1 to MaxCol
do Hg^[r]^[c] := Random(255);
This method creating huge structures is using Borland in object named
This method has two defects.
* You must use big control structure consists of pointers.
* You haven't garant of unfrugmental of this structure.
This method have two advantages.
* You can use standart pascal procedures & macros for operating with
this structure (As Move, FillChar ets).
* You can use standart TP heap menager for creating huge
The second way for creating huge structure. It's my own method.
I use DOS memory menager. I can create realy huge unfragmental
structure. It's more complicated way. I can't use standart TP
procedure & macros for operating with that structure, because
this structure greater than 64Kb. For remove huge structure I
write some procedure, function & inline macros. I used standart TP
heap menager for allocation small control structure and used
DOS memory menager for allocation huge data structure.
{$M 4096,10000,10000 <- It's very important option. Without
this option Your program should use all DOS memory for his TP
heap. You should write Your realy heap size. Use TpStack from
Turbo profesional for get this value.
function dosAlloc (Size : Longint) : Pointer; assembler;
mov ax , word ptr Size
mov dx , word ptr Size[2]
add ax , 000Fh
adc dx , 0
mov bx , 0010h
div bx
mov bx , ax
mov ah , 48h
int 21h
jC @@Error
mov dx , ax
xor ax , ax
jmp @@Exit
xor ax , ax
xor dx , dx
function dosFree (Var P) : Boolean; assembler;
les di , P
mov ax , es:[di]
mov dx , es:[di][2]
mov cl , 4
shr ax , cl
add ax , dx
or ax , ax
jZ @@Exit
mov es , ax
mov ah , 49h
int 21h
jNC @@Continue
mov ax , False
jmp @@Exit
xor ax , ax
les di , P
mov es:[di] , ax
mov es:[di][2] , ax
mov ax , True
function dosResize (P : Pointer; NewSize : Longint) : Boolean; assembler;
mov ax , False
mov bx , word ptr P[2]
mov es , bx
or bx , word ptr P
jZ @@Exit
mov ax , word ptr NewSize
mov dx , word ptr NewSize[2]
mov bx , 16
div bx
mov bx , ax
or dx , dx
jZ @@Margin
inc bx
mov ah , 4Ah
int 21h
jC @@Error
mov ax , True
jmp @@Exit
mov ax , False
function dosAvail : Longint; assembler;
mov bx , 0FFFFh
mov ah , 48h
int 21h
mov ax , 16
mul bx
Hg : Pointer;
Hg := dosAlloc(123456);
I don't want send more than 16Kb of my library. Because I don't test
all procedure & function. But I can give You my idea.
This way has one defect.
* You should rewrite all low level memory access (As Move,
FillChar ets.).
This way has four advantages.
* You can use all DOS memory functions: Allocation, Resize,
Free (It's more powerfull that TP).
* You recive paragraph align pointer.
* You get unfragmental memory block.
* You don't use big control structure.
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