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This is the fastest I could come up with ; I suspect it's fairly
faster than the one that was posted earlier. Going still faster
would require some change in the algorithm, which I'm much to
lazy to go through <g>.
Beware, this program does not check before overwritting an existing
.uue file. Generally speaking, the error checking is quite light.
{$r-,s-,q-} { for the sake of speed only }
Uses DOS ;
LongueurLigne = 60 ; { max length of output line }
Masque6bits = $3f ; { mask for six lower bits }
BufSize = 2048 ; { size of input buffer }
Espace = 32 ;
Var InBuf : Array[0..BufSize] Of Byte ; { [0] is unused but necessary }
InPtr : Word ; { pointer in input buffer }
InQty : Word ; { # of bytes available in input buffer }
InFile : File ; { input file }
OutSt : String ; { output string }
OutFile : Text ; { output file }
SrcBytes : Byte ; { number of source bytes in current line }
Procedure RefillBuffer ;
{ Refills the buffer from the input file ; properly sets InQty and InPtr }
BlockRead(InFile, InBuf[1], BufSize, InQty) ;
InPtr:=0 ;
End ;
Function GetByte : Byte ; Assembler ;
{ Fetches a byte from the input file (i.e. input buffer) }
{ Only AL and SI are modified by this function }
Mov SI, InPtr
Cmp SI, InQty
JL @1
Call ReFillBuffer
Inc InPtr
Mov SI, InPtr
Cmp SI, InQty
JLE @2
Jmp @3
Mov AL, [SI+Offset InBuf]
Inc SrcBytes
End ;
Procedure FlushOutSt ;
{ Flushes the current line to the output file }
OutSt[1]:=Chr(Espace+SrcBytes) ;
WriteLn(OutFile, OutSt) ;
OutSt:=' ' ;
SrcBytes:=0 ;
Write('.') ;
End ;
Procedure PutByte ; Assembler ;
{ Sends a byte to the output file (i.e. the output buffer) }
{ modifies only AL and SI ; parameter in AL }
Add AL, Espace
Cmp AL, Espace
JNE @1
Mov AL, '`'
Inc Byte Ptr OutSt { increments string length }
Mov BL, Byte Ptr OutSt
XOr BH, BH { BX <- Length(OutSt) }
Mov Byte Ptr OutSt[BX], AL
Cmp BX, LongueurLigne
JNG @2
Call FlushOutSt
End ;
Procedure EncodeFile ;
{ Converts a binary file to a .uue file }
Var a, b, c : Byte ; { three-bytes buffer }
{ remember, GetByte and PutByte modify only AL and SI }
Call GetByte
Mov DH, AL { first byte in DH }
Call GetByte
Mov DL, AL { second byte in DL }
Call GetByte
Mov CH, AL { third byte in CH }
Mov AL, DH
ShR AL, 2
Call PutByte
Mov AX, DX
ShR AX, 4
And AL, Masque6bits
Call PutByte
Mov AH, DL
Mov AL, CH
ShR AX, 6
And AL, Masque6bits
Call PutByte
Mov AL, CH
And AL, Masque6bits
Call PutByte
End ;
Until (EOF(InFile) And (InPtr>=InQty)) ;
End ;
Procedure Initialise ;
{ Initializes the stuff }
Var Rep : DirStr ;
Nom : NameStr ;
Ext : ExtStr ;
InPtr:=0 ;
InQty:=0 ;
Assign(InFile, ParamStr(1)) ;
ReSet(InFile, 1) ;
FSplit(ParamStr(1), Rep, Nom, Ext) ;
Assign(OutFile, Rep+Nom+'.UUE') ;
ReWrite(OutFile) ;
OutSt:=' ' ;
SrcBytes:=0 ;
WriteLn(OutFile, 'begin 644 ', Nom, Ext) ;
End ;
Procedure Termine ;
{ Terminate the job }
If Length(OutSt)>1 Then
OutSt[1]:=Chr(Espace+SrcBytes) ;
WriteLn(OutFile, OutSt) ;
End ;
Writeln(OutFile, '`') ; { write an "empty" line }
WriteLn(OutFile, 'end') ;
Close(OutFile) ;
Close(InFile) ;
End ;
If ParamCount<>1 Then
WriteLn('UUE2 <source_file_name>') ;
Halt(1) ;
End ;
Initialise ;
EncodeFile ;
Termine ;
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