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Trevor Carlson

> Does anyone have source examples of how to convert an MSBIN to a
> LongInt Type Variable?

  MKS = Array [0..3] of Byte;

Function MStoIEEE(Var MS) : Real;
{ Converts a 4 Byte Microsoft format single precision Real Variable as
  used in earlier versions of QuickBASIC and GW-BASIC to IEEE 6 Byte Real }
  m    : MKS Absolute MS;
  r    : Real;
  ieee : Array [0..5] of Byte Absolute r;
  FillChar(r, sizeof(r), 0);
  ieee[0] := m[3];
  ieee[3] := m[0];
  ieee[4] := m[1];
  ieee[5] := m[2];
  MStoieee := r;
end;  { MStoIEEE }

Function IEEEtoMS(ie : Real) : LongInt;
{ LongInt Type used only For convenience of Typecasting. Note that this will
  only be effective where the accuracy required can be obtained in the 23
  bits that are available With the MKS Type. }
  ms    : MKS;
  ieee  : Array [0..5] of Byte Absolute ie;
  ms[3] := ieee[0];
  ms[0] := ieee[3];
  ms[1] := ieee[4];
  ms[2] := ieee[5];
  IEEEtoMS := LongInt(ms);
end; { IEEEtoMS }

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