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I am writing a Program that Uses the Printer to (whatelse?) print
out a report. Now, the problem that I am having is that the Printer
Function in TP 6.0 (ie Writeln (lst,'BLA BLA BLA');) Dosn't
check For errors (if the Printer is not on, or is not online)
You can determine the Various states of the Printer With Intr 17H -
Function 02H. The value returned in AH will be:
bit if set
0 - Printer timed out
1 - unused
2 - unused
3 - i/o error
4 - Printer selected
5 - out of paper
6 - Printer acknowledge
7 - Printer not busy
For example:
Function PrinterReady : Boolean;
reg : Registers;
Status : Byte;
reg.AH := $02;
reg.DX := $00; {..0=LPT1, 1=LPT2, etc }
Status := reg.AH and $41; {..isolate bits 0,3,5 }
if Status <> 0 then
PrinterReady := False
PrinterReady := True;
basicaly I need something that weill check and give out the
NB>famous line ('Printer not Ready (A)bort (R)etry')
The way I've handled this in the past is to check PrinterReady beFore
each Write/WriteLn statement (not very eloquant). A better way to do
this might be to hook it to an interrupt, checking the status every few
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