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{ This unit prints a string using John O'Harrow's FWrite and }
{ has the ability to change color from within the string. The }
{ demo program is at the end of this unit. }
{ If you have any questions, improvements, or comments, etc., }
{ E-Mail me (Orlando Llanes) either via NetMail at 1:369/68 }
{ or via the Internet at a010111t@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us }
{ Thanks go to -> John O'Harrow <- for his "Universal FastWrite" }
{ routine! Compilation of this unit requires his FWrite unit }
{ found in SWAG9411 in SCREEN.SWG (Love the new format SWAG Team!) }
{ Possible enhancements: }
{ - Use a different character for the color marker. }
{ - Optimizations. }
{ - Use character equivalent of FastWrite(?) }
{ Notes: }
{ - Coordinates are *not* zero based as in the FWrite, }
{ unit, the upper left corner is (1,1). }
{ - The marker character is ASCII character 0, hopefully, }
{ this will not interfere with anything. }
{ - Sorry for the Boolean and type-casting in the demo, }
{ I didn't feel like doing the math for the attributes, }
{ and type-casting makes things faster when converting }
{ between similar types, i.e. Char <--> Byte. }
USES FWrite;
PROCEDURE FastWriteColor( X, Y : Byte; Str : String );
PROCEDURE FastWriteColor( X, Y : Byte; Str : String );
_X, Index, FWCAttr : Byte;
_X := X; Index := 1;
WHILE Index <= Byte( Str[ 0 ] ) DO
{ ^^ Loop from 1 to length of string }
IF Str[ Index ] = #0 THEN
{ ^^ Is the current character the marker? }
FWCAttr := Byte( Str[ Index + 1 ] );
{ ^^ Set Text Attributes }
Inc( Index, 2 );
{ ^^ Point past marker and the color }
END { of Str[ Index ] = marker }
FastWrite( _X - 1, Y - 1, FWCAttr, Str[ Index ] );
{ ^^ Zero based, so decrement _X and Y }
Inc( _X );
{ ^^ Increment reference to next screen position }
Inc( Index );
{ ^^ Increment reference to next character }
END; { of ELSE }
END; { of WHILE..DO }
END; { of FastWriteColor }
END. { of UNIT FWColor }
USES Crt, FWColor;
BEGIN { Main program }
FastWriteColor( 1, 1,
#0#$4F'This '#0#9'is'#0#$3F' so'#0#15' cool!' );
FastWriteColor( 1, 2,
#0 + Char((NOT 15) AND NOT 128) + 'You '#0#4'can '#0 +
Char(33 OR 128) + 'change' );
FastWriteColor( 1, 3,
#0#14'colors '#0#10'on '#0#13'the '#0#$FF'fly!' );
FastWriteColor( 1, 4,
#0#$25'And you can even write control characters! ' +
#12#4#7#2#1#0#14#14#13#27#26 );
GoToXY( 1, 5 );
END. { of demo }
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