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{ }
{ QuickSort Demo }
{ Copyright (c) 1985,90 by Borland International } { und: Robert Beicht ;-) }
{ }
program QSort;
uses Crt;
{ This program demonstrates the quicksort algorithm, which }
{ provides an extremely efficient method of sorting arrays in }
{ memory. The program generates a list of 1000 random numbers }
{ between 0 and 29999, and then sorts them using the QUICKSORT }
{ procedure. Finally, the sorted list is output on the screen. }
{ Note that stack and range checks are turned off (through the }
{ compiler directive above) to optimize execution speed. }
Max = 100;
type { ***** }
PData = ^TData; { ***** }
TData = record { ***** }
NachName: String[25]; { ***** }
VorName: String[25]; { ***** }
{..} { ***** }
end; { ***** }
List = array[1..Max] of TData;
Data: List;
I: Integer;
function Less(var d1,d2:TData): Boolean; { ***** }
begin { ***** }
if d1.NachName < d2.NachName then Less := True else { ***** }
if d1.NachName > d2.NachName then Less := False else { ***** }
if d1.VorName < d2.VorName then Less := True else { ***** }
if d1.VorName > d2.VorName then Less := False else Less := False; { ***** }
end; { ***** }
{ QUICKSORT sorts elements in the array A with indices between }
{ LO and HI (both inclusive). Note that the QUICKSORT proce- }
{ dure provides only an "interface" to the program. The actual }
{ processing takes place in the SORT procedure, which executes }
{ itself recursively. }
procedure QuickSort(var A: List; Lo, Hi: Integer);
procedure Sort(l, r: Integer);
i, j, x: integer; { ***** }
y: TData; { ***** }
i := l; j := r; x := (l+r) DIV 2;
while Less(a[i], a[x]) do i := i + 1; { ***** }
while Less(a[x], a[j]) do j := j - 1; { ***** }
if i <= j then
y := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := y;
i := i + 1; j := j - 1;
until i > j;
if l < j then Sort(l, j);
if i < r then Sort(i, r);
begin {QuickSort};
begin {QSort}
(*Initialisiere List*)
Sort(List, 1, Count);
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