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CC> does anyone have a good and accurate delay routine??
CC> the crt one doesn't work accurately when turbo is on, and the int 15h
CC> one doesn't work on xt's..does anyone have one that is NOT bios
CC> dependant.. }

procedure pause(hs:longint); assembler;
  mov  es,seg0040
  mov  si,006ch
  mov  dx,word ptr es:[si+2]
  mov  ax,word ptr es:[si]
  add  ax,word ptr [hs]
  adc  dx,word ptr [hs+2]
  mov  bx,word ptr es:[si+2]
  cmp  word ptr es:[si+2],dx
  jl   @@1
  mov  cx,word ptr es:[si]
  cmp  word ptr es:[si],ax
  jl   @@1

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