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> Using TP 7.0 for DOS, I can use the Keep() function to
> make a TSR.
> But... How do I get it to Un-TSR, ie. T & DSR?
Try this code:
procedure Uninstall;
PrevInstance: Word;
{ This part must get the DSeg value from the resident instance of }
{ your program. If you don't know how to do this, contact me... }
PrevInstance := GetPrevInstance;
if PrevInstance = 0 then
ErrorExit('Can't uninstall: program not found in memory.');
mov ds,PrevInstance { we completely switch to resident instance! }
ShutDownProgram; { do all necessary cleanup jobs. }
RestoreVectors; { restore all vectors you hooked. }
{ dangerous, if somebody hooked same vectors }
{ after you... }
mov es,PrefixSeg
mov ah,49h
int 21h { free DOS memory allocated for program }
mov es,PrefixSeg
mov es,es:[2Ch]
mov ah,49h
int 21h { free DOS memory allocated for environment }
mov ax,seg @Data { switch back to this instance }
mov ds,ax
WriteLn('Program uninstalled.');
Halt(0); { yahoo! }
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